Tuesday 28 June 2016

Bukan Budaya Kita

As a Malaysian, me myself do confuse what is our national culture. Every culture have different belief and and that is what makes us unique and different. Malaysia is a multi-culture country and I belief thats what makes us Malaysia where we are right now. To be honest, as a Chinese I too practice what Malay people practice. For example, I sometimes will use hand to eat like those Malays friend and i used to wear baju kurung to school.

Based on the Natural Cultural Policy (NCP) that was formed in the year of 1971, the 3 PRINCIPLES OF NCP are

  1. The national culture must be based on the indigenous inhabitants of the religions.
  2. Suitable elements from the other country may be accepted as part of the national culture.
  3. Islam is an important component in the formulation of the national culture.

In my opinion, I dislike how it only focus more on one race or religion. In fact all the other religion and race do contribute to this country. I belief that if we were more understanding and equality are practice, Malaysia would have been more peaceful and some race and religion would not have felt unfair. We must understand that if there are dissatisfaction between religion and race, fight and uproar will happen. Thus I believe that in the mean of Malaysia Culture, each and every culture from different religion and race must be include. 

Tuesday 21 June 2016

IMMIGRANT our threat ?

For most of the Malaysians, when they talk about immigrants there are always negative complaints. This is because we don't see them as one of us. Napali, Bangladash, Burmese are the most we see in Malaysia and I can say that most people here does not treat them nicely.

So should we accept them as our citizen or just stay as how it is now or sent them back to where they belong? 

In class I have choose to let them have citizenship. This is because that I think everyone have the right to live the live they deserve. We were born Malaysian thus we get to live a better environment but they don't. Their country it self is poor so who can help them? Can't we give them a chance to prove themself? Some might say if they come to our country our job apportunities will be lesser. Then let me ask, who will do those jobs that those Malaysians does not prefer to do. Cleaning toilet, serving plate, working construction under the hot sun ... most of it is immigrants work. Thye work here just to have salary to feed their family back at their hometown. In fact they work so hard and have to live here in their dirty environment and not having enough food to eat. Then we talk about safety... we always say that immigrants are dangerous..they will kidnap your kids * in serious& jokingly. First of all, when 1 bangladash commit a crime we say all bangla are bad. When a Malay or Chinse or Indian commit crime we judge them individually. In fact i see more news of people from our country killing and stealing more than those immigrants. Are people being judgemental  and stereotype?

Stereotype? Racist? Judgemental?

At home I have reflected on my decision and still think that we should give the a chance. But it's not like open hand and welcome anyone of them to come to our country. We can implement some rules and regulations to control the amount of people. For example, they have to stay at Malaysian at least 10 to 12 years. They should also cannot have any criminal records. Furthermore, know our Malaysia basic culture and language Malay and English so that there will be no communications problem. Does not have the right to vote during general elections even thought they have the citizenship.

Lastly, I would like to say that we should not judge people by skin color or which country they are from. I'm sure if they are from America or Korea or Japan, the reaction would not be the same. 

Tuesday 14 June 2016


Does image or art are more powerful than words?

During the Malaysia Media and culture tutorial on the 7th of June, we have discuss about the recent issue related to Fahmi Reza. We often question, why images tends to get more attention compare to newspaper or lengthly journals. Its very easy, images only needs 3 second for a person to understand while a paragraph of information written need at least 2 minute to read. So if u ask me if image is more powerful? The answer will be YES!

We see that an image create an issue but why newspaper or journals posted stuff does not create big impact. Simple... humans are lazy to read. If u want me to read a page of newspaper of political issue I will give up right before I start reading it. But if u give me an image which still present the same meaning doesn't it work more effectively. 

Fahmi Reza is a artist that  fight for what he think is right and speak what thousands of people want to say. In my opinion, he is a warrior because despite knowing that there might be risk he do it because he expresses what he want to say. How many people really dare to do what he did.. I would say not much as I can see. 

If u ask me, whether he went overboard of making the PM's face into a clown?..I would say, in artistic perspective i would say not really because each artist have their delivery styles. Some people might like it or find it funny or felt like its mocking him but that single images of the clown head did attract peoples attention and relate to people.


Thursday 9 June 2016

Field Trip 4th June

On the 4th of June I have have attended an event called Art for Grabs. it is held at PUBLIKA @MONT KIARA. This trip is being lead by our lecturers and tutor. The art booth are right at the front of the main gate. As I arrive, there are tons of people swarming the booth. Now I can see that Malaysians are supportive and artistic thou...

First of all, we are introduce to many local artist and their art work. This event is a great opportunity for the artist to showcase their talent which I think also give us a chance to be inspired in various ways. 
We can see many artist selling their work  and they are all handmade. We can find all types of hand craft and painting work. There are even comic artist that selling their comics. On of the comic artist is our lecturer Mr Anthony son. Some even selling hand made necklace and rings.

Handmade necklace, ear rings, bracelet

Many artist came up with their own ideas and create it with their own style which are very inspiring. I have bought a notebook which I think that it will be useful and it sold in an affordable price. We bought it from the booth called Unique Art 'n' Craft. This book design are also helping in raising the awareness of animal freedom.

Note book from Unique Art 'n' Craft to raise awareness.

First Talk - It isn't a Crime: Re-imagining Investigative Journalism

The first talk started at 2.30 pm and lasted for an hour. The main of the talk are investigate journalist R. Nadeswaran and Bernd Pickert a German journalist.

This talk make me realize that being an investigate journalist are actually tougher that it looks. They face the challenge from digging the truth from a tiny piece of evidence. Sometimes it might takes months of work to dig up a piece of evidence They take risk in every step they make but that is what that make them there today. R, Nadeswaran also share that he once almost get sued but he is ready to take any challenge and use his method to face it. Both of them also share some of the ways they investigate and R. Nadeswaran also said that social and interaction with new people are the best way to get resources. Both of them also said that it is important for journalist to write what readers want to read. When they were asked if there are any border line they would not cross while investigating a case. Bernd Pickert say that if the information is really important then they will go for it but it stills have to depend on the situation.

This talk has give me a new light to what investigate journalist are doing as previously I have no idea of what it is all about.  

Second Talk - Funning the News

The second talk started at 4pm and lasted almost and hour. The speaker for the talk are Harith Iskander and Lau Chak Onn. Both of them talk about how they make story and news more interesting by making joke about it. They share their experience and ways to attract viewers to read and watch their stuff.

Their talk are quite interesting as they share their stories. To be a comedian i think one has to be creative and follow the flow. Don't force it as it might be to hard for people to get it. Use examples or words that people watching or listening can relate to.

Like what Harith said, people nowadays can't take jokes compare to people in his generation especially involve races. But it also depends on who u say it to and how people be able to take it or not. Besides, they also said that if you want ta make a joke make sure to check the facts to prevent unnecessary conflict. 

 Lastly, they also give us some advice that not to hold back yourself from making a joke but also do not go overboard. Make sure there is a limit to everything you say.

What I like about the field trip.....

I am able to see many talented artist and their precious art craft. I'm able to see the effort being put in each item they made especially those wooden art. Besides, what really catch my eyes is that some artist dare to present their arts with message that are able to let others relate. Especially Fahmi Reza who selling T-shirt and badges with a very creative drawing on it. Furthermore, through this field trip I'm able to see the passion all the artist presented no matter it is for charity or self purpose. 

End with a SELFIE  !!!