Tuesday 28 June 2016

Bukan Budaya Kita

As a Malaysian, me myself do confuse what is our national culture. Every culture have different belief and and that is what makes us unique and different. Malaysia is a multi-culture country and I belief thats what makes us Malaysia where we are right now. To be honest, as a Chinese I too practice what Malay people practice. For example, I sometimes will use hand to eat like those Malays friend and i used to wear baju kurung to school.

Based on the Natural Cultural Policy (NCP) that was formed in the year of 1971, the 3 PRINCIPLES OF NCP are

  1. The national culture must be based on the indigenous inhabitants of the religions.
  2. Suitable elements from the other country may be accepted as part of the national culture.
  3. Islam is an important component in the formulation of the national culture.

In my opinion, I dislike how it only focus more on one race or religion. In fact all the other religion and race do contribute to this country. I belief that if we were more understanding and equality are practice, Malaysia would have been more peaceful and some race and religion would not have felt unfair. We must understand that if there are dissatisfaction between religion and race, fight and uproar will happen. Thus I believe that in the mean of Malaysia Culture, each and every culture from different religion and race must be include. 

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