Wednesday 31 August 2016


It been 14 weeks since I have attended MMC class and each class lecturer thought us new stuff that we have never learn before. It is like a combination of ARTS, HISTORY AND FILM course. But I do like the this course because it thought me more than i could even know from internet or newspaper.

The thing I love the most about this subject is that there is a lot of field trip. These field trip allow us to meet different kind of people. Besides, we are able to attend FFF which bring my knowledge to a whole new level.

Lastly, I would like to thanks Dr. Carmen, Dr. Andrew and Ms Ezzati for your effort and time to teach us.


The presentation that I like are Daniel and Edwin's group. Each of them draw their idea out and present is a fresh idea. Even though artistic wise are not that great but the effort wise definitely add marks.
I would also like to mentions Anne's group who have a small play at the beginning. It is a nice move to attract people attention.

But, I still think that our group are the best. At least the play is interesting (credits to Simon). To be honest, I am impressed by Simon for being brave enough to wear women dress and the wig. The day of the presentations was also the first time I saw him wear that and me and Chia Yan was actually shocked at first when he walk in. At first I was afraid to look at him as I worried that I would laugh and the play will be a disaster. But I am glad to have a group of professional teammates who bring me into my character.

Thursday 25 August 2016


With the combination of 6 different kind of people, created the all mighty ALL IN ONE. After being exposed to the documentary "She's my Son", we decide to chose the topic TRANSGENDER as the issue to discussed. Stick to this issue for almost a month, I have a new viewpoint towards transgender. Before this, I have no clue of anything about transgender. Thus, we thought it might be a great issue to introduced to everyone because I am sure that many of us had no idea about transgender's insider.

LGBT has always been the minority group in Malaysia. Many people discriminate them due to their appearance and attitude. I don't blame anyone for that because different people have different opinion. But before people start discriminate, do they know that TRANSGENDER are not an mental illness or something they chose just for fun. They are just genetically different.

After doing public interview with different age of people, i can conclude that different age of people has different opinion. Youngster are able to accept them in their life compare to the older generation who are not able to accept them.

For more information, we have interview a transperson  Khartini Slamah, the Program Manager of ISEAN Hivos Program at Pink Triangle (PT) Foundation. She share many of her experience as a transperson and her story. She is quite open as she allow us to ask any questions we like. Furthermore, we also consulted one of the lecturer in UTAR who are doing research on TRANSGENDER. She gave us guidelines on how to discuss about the issue as TRANSGENDER itself is quite a wide topic. Through think and thin, up and down, left and right we have decide to discuss about the SUFFER OF TRANSGENDER. As for presentation, we decide to go for a more interesting and free concept. We have present a play suggested by Dr. Andrew with the main three situations which is medical attention, job and bad treatment from police.

Lastly, I would like to thank my teammates for being cooperative and does their job well. After so much of practice, I am pleased that our play did not disappoint and honestly I love it a lot and it will be greatest moment.  


Freedom Film Fest FFF

Lecturer from Malaysia Media and Culture course has introduced us to Freedom Film Fest which held on the 20th August which last for 8 days. I went for the first day and I am introduced to few of the documentary. Before attending FFF, I though it will be a normal screening of local films. Right after the first documentary that I watched that day, I am totally wrong. In fact it is a fest that allow people to watch film that are not viewable for others due to human rights sensitivity. This makes me reflect that it is actually a meaningful and extraordinary film fest.

The three documentary that premiered that night

  •  “Stories From My Father” (Kisah Ayahku) by Ashleigh Lim

  •   “Unlocking Bengoh” (Bengoh: Dua Perjalanan) by Nova Goh

  • “Voyage to Terengganu” (Kisah Pelayaran ke Terengganu) by Amir Muhammad & Badrul Hisham Ismail 

The documentary I like the most among all are the Stories from My Father. It is about the story of  director Ashleigh Lim's  father who was once a detainee without trial under Internal Security Act (ISA). It is quite a heartfelt documentary as it shows the hardship of a man went though in his life and now he is able to tell the truth to the society. Besides, it also involve story of him and his wife love story which sound kind of like Taiwan drama. His wife has never left him even though he is being detained and never know when he will be released. The part where he and his friends are being detained and they are not allowed to access to any water. He survived by drinking his own urine are heartbreaking. It makes me think that does those inhumanity system still exist or not.

 I am impressed by the directer who are also his daughter have the courage to produce this documentary as it might cause some issues. Furthermore, I think it set a good example for the current generation to realize the importance of history. They need to have the intentions and curiosity to know all these before it is completely buried to the ground.

Saturday 13 August 2016

Puteri Gunung Ledang

Puteri Gunung Ledang is a Malay film published in 2004 directed by Saw Teong Hin. This film is about the heartbroken romance between Gusti Putri and Hang Tuah. Gusti Putri is a princess with supernatural ability while Hang Tuah is a warrior. 

In my opinion, this film show many values. Firstly, the Hang Tuah is very loyal towards his state and the Sultan. Even though the Sultan order go against his will, he will still do it which makes him a loyal and strong mind character. Besides, there are also shown that the relationship between Hang Tuah and Gusti Puteri. Their love face many challenges and still they do not give up on each other. However, at the end of the film Hang Tuah decide to persue his love and betray Sultan after he heard about the curse.Gusti Puteri character is a very strong and smart women.  She stated that she will marry Sultan Mahmud if he is able to fulfill the seven prohibitive conditions. It is actually indirectly rejecting the marriages. She also have super ability which kind of similar to WITCHES magic.
Futhermore, the tension between the political parties are similar to the situation Malaysian are facing. 

 To be honest it was not my first time watching Malay film but I never like them previously. If we were to watch back previous Malay film I feel that it is lacking in quality wise but the story line are still fine.When we watch films, we tend to compare them with those western films. But this film amaze me with its high quality and outstanding story line. Actor and actress potray their character perfectly especially Gusti Puteri. She reminds me of Greek Mathology Goddess Athena. The setting in film are impressive compare to other local films. This explains why the production cost 16million Ringgit.

Tiara Jacquelina as Gusti Puteri

Sunday 7 August 2016

1984 HERE & NOW

Kee Thuan Chye
1984 Here & Now is written by Kee Thuan Chye an adaption from George Orwell's classic novel 1984.
George Orwell

In my opinion, this play are motivational yet depressing. Main character Wiran shows us the will to fight againts unfair treatment and culture inequality. The character do inspire people to fight up againts government(Mahathir-Big Brother). But when u really do so you will only ended up in jail. This is what brings the citizen to not trust the government anymore. Media are afraid to speak the truth thus everyone is being keep in the dark. 
 In the play, there is a part where a group of performer are not allowed to perform lion dance in public indicates cultural inequality. 
Lastly during the torture scene, Wiran are force to admit to his "crime" and apologize to Big Brother. I'm glad that he did not give in till the end as it shown that there are still humanity.

From this play, I felt like I can relate the story and situation till this era generation. Nowadays we are not able to speak freely or judge the government because if we do so the next thing is we will be in police station without any reason. People are now afraid to voice opinion and news media are not trust worthy anymore. It is really upsetting that our country is being rulled by people who seem educated but narrow minded. In fact, I have heard some story about where police torture and drug criminals to admit their crime*so not civilize.

Opinion on the play
The acting of each character are on point and the setting makes it feel so real. I was really impress especially with the character Wiran in the torture scene. The background and soundtrack makes the play very intense to watch. In fact it feels like a professional play and makes me wanted to watch more play. 
Black Box

Saturday 16 July 2016

Kelantan's Cultural Performance

UTAR Students documentary about well known cultural performance in Kelantan.

In my opinion, documentary is a way to transfer knowledge. As I was watching the documentary I learn and understand more of the culture. To be honest, i'm not sure the purpose of all these culture but what i can see is that they take there performance seriously and treat it like its their life and respect. Each cultural performance serve their own purpose and convey different meaning but these days I do not see such performance anymore in the city.

I'm from a Kebangsaan so I remember when I was in primary school,they do have Main Puteri performance in special events which is perform by my school mates. I remember I like it a lot and the music and dance makes me excited. If people are willing to search and watch these performance, i believe they will like it.

 This documentary are more to fast pace which I quite like it. But some of the part I could not hear and understand clearly.In my opinion if subtitle being added, it will be much more better.

Mak Yong

Main Puteri

Wayang Kulit